Authors » DannyCooper

309 websites use themes from DannyCooper.
There are 5 themes in their portfolio, the most popular of which are Scaffold, Arke, Editor Blocks.
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Most Popular Themes

Arke screenshot
Found on 127 websites
Arke is a truly minimal WordPress theme. No sidebars, no widgets, no settings. Just your content. Ar...
Editor Blocks screenshot
Editor Blocks
Found on 27 websites
Editor Blocks is a minimal WordPress theme designed to work with the new Gutenberg editor. It's fast...
Cashier screenshot
Found on 8 websites
Cashier is a lightweight WooCommerce theme built using core WordPress functions. It doesn't use any ...
Editor Blocks Child screenshot
Editor Blocks Child
Found on 5 websites
Child theme for the Editor Blocks theme. Adds tagline, a below header navigation and footer widgets.
Scaffold screenshot
Found on 0 websites
Scaffold is a lightweight starter theme built using core WordPress functions. It doesn't use any fra...