Most Popular Theme Authors



3,918 websites use themes from WooThemes.
There are 86 themes in their portfolio, the most popular of which are Canvas, Simplicity, Storefront.

Theme Freesia

3,893 websites use themes from Theme Freesia.
There are 36 themes in their portfolio, the most popular of which are Magbook, Edge, Photograph.


3,870 websites use themes from candidthemes.
There are 35 themes in their portfolio, the most popular of which are Fairy, Refined Magazine, Recent News.


3,844 websites use themes from Andon.
There are 11 themes in their portfolio, the most popular of which are U-Design, U-Design Child, UDesign.


3,832 websites use themes from CyberChimps.
There are 45 themes in their portfolio, the most popular of which are Responsive, Responsive Child Theme, Responsive Mobile.

Gian MR

3,813 websites use themes from Gian MR.
There are 11 themes in their portfolio, the most popular of which are Superfast, WpBerita, Bloggingpro.

Bruce Wampler

3,751 websites use themes from Bruce Wampler.
There are 9 themes in their portfolio, the most popular of which are Weaver Xtreme, Weaver II, Weaver II Pro.


3,695 websites use themes from ThemeInWP.
There are 54 themes in their portfolio, the most popular of which are Default Mag, Seek, Royal Magazine.


3,649 websites use themes from Tripples.
There are 36 themes in their portfolio, the most popular of which are Digiqole, instive, Exhibz.

Alexander Agnarson

3,625 websites use themes from Alexander Agnarson.
There are 43 themes in their portfolio, the most popular of which are Hueman, Blogstream, Gridzone.

the DesignThemes team

3,588 websites use themes from the DesignThemes team.
There are 136 themes in their portfolio, the most popular of which are Veda, OneLife, Soulmedic.

Template Monster

3,583 websites use themes from Template Monster.
There are 200 themes in their portfolio, the most popular of which are Monstroid2, Monstroid2 Child, Finexpert.


3,526 websites use themes from PixFort.
There are 5 themes in their portfolio, the most popular of which are Essentials, Essentials Child, Essentials | Shared by


3,526 websites use themes from RT-Themes.
There are 16 themes in their portfolio, the most popular of which are RT-Theme 19, BusinessLounge, RT-Theme 18.


3,510 websites use themes from Pixelgrade.
There are 39 themes in their portfolio, the most popular of which are Rosa, Mies, Listable.


3,479 websites use themes from Colabrio.
There are 6 themes in their portfolio, the most popular of which are Ohio, Ohio-Child, Norebro.

Mystery Themes

3,475 websites use themes from Mystery Themes.
There are 38 themes in their portfolio, the most popular of which are News Portal, Editorial, Color Blog.


3,471 websites use themes from QuanticaLabs.
There are 29 themes in their portfolio, the most popular of which are MediCenter, Renovate, Carservice.

Tranmautritam Team

3,443 websites use themes from Tranmautritam Team.
There are 8 themes in their portfolio, the most popular of which are TheFox, TheFox Child Theme, Cesis.


3,432 websites use themes from axiomthemes.
There are 170 themes in their portfolio, the most popular of which are Pathwell, Kicker, Kicker Child.