Authors » Afterimage Designs

2,880 websites use themes from Afterimage Designs.
There are 15 themes in their portfolio, the most popular of which are WP Bootstrap Starter, WP Bootstrap Starter Child, WP Bootstrap Starter Child Theme.
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Most Popular Themes

WP Bootstrap Child screenshot
WP Bootstrap Child
Found on 19 websites
WP Bootstrap Starter child theme, customized by Logikamente Srl
Material Design WP screenshot
Material Design WP
Found on 12 websites
A minimal WordPress theme based on material design. Powered by Bootstrap and _s starter theme.
Ridwang screenshot
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The best WordPress starter theme based on the most powerful frameworks in the world: "_s" (by Automa...
EF Theme screenshot
EF Theme
Found on 6 websites
The best WordPress starter theme based on the most powerful frameworks in the world: "_s" (by Automa...
CE Theme screenshot
CE Theme
Found on 5 websites
WP Bootstrap Starter Child Theme
Complex Made Simple screenshot
Complex Made Simple
Found on 0 websites
WP Bootstrap Starter screenshot
WP Bootstrap Starter
Found on 0 websites
The best WordPress starter theme based on the most powerful frameworks in the world: "_s" (by Automa...